An introduction to user experience design and evaluation methods
Course offer in the Doctoral Programme in Computer Science & Computer Engineering (DP- CSCE), in the frame of SP2 DTU.
Course offer in the Doctoral Programme in Computer Science & Computer Engineering (DP- CSCE), in the frame of SP2 DTU.
The ever growing trend for digital tools is confronting PhD candidates with new challenges when it comes to designing or evaluating technologies and underlying services. The present seminar blends foundational and methodological contents with applied exercises to train the participating students in getting familiar with the most important tools drawn from the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and User Experience (UX) design. It will help them choosing the right methods for their research objectives and enabling them to apply the methods in the lab and in the field. Participants will understand the process of designing and evaluating how humans interact with technology; they will gain a better understanding of pragmatic (cf. utility, usability) and experiential (pragmatic, emotional, hedonic; cf. user experience) properties shaping these interactions. Designing for optimal user experiences and increased technological acceptance will be an asset for the participants’ projects. The PhD candidates’ own use cases will be addressed throughout the sessions; additional concrete use cases might be suggested for participants who are not ready to use their own use case. Duration: 4 full days. ECTS: 2.